The Partnership Card app from John Lewis Financial Services.
Free to download, this UK mobile app is for John Lewis & Waitrose Partnership Card customers to manage their credit card securely on the go. Currently you can:
• Keep track of how many points you’ve earned towards John Lewis & Waitrose gift vouchers
• Review your credit card balance, credit limit & available credit
• Make a payment to your Partnership Card account
• See your credit card transactions & statements, including your spend at John Lewis & Waitrose
• Use our secure messaging system to contact Partnership Card customer services
• Register your overseas travel plans
• Receive a payment due alert to make managing your Partnership Card even easier
The Partnership Card app is designed to work with mobile devices using Android™ 4.4 and above, and may not be compatible with tablet devices.
To use the Partnership Card app you'll need to be the primary cardholder on your John Lewis & Waitrose Partnership Card account and have a UK mobile number registered on that account.
Die Partnerschafts-Karten-App von John Lewis Financial Services.
Diese kostenlose UK-App kann von John Lewis & Waitrose Partnership Card-Kunden genutzt werden, um ihre Kreditkarte unterwegs sicher zu verwalten. Derzeit können Sie:
• Behalten Sie im Auge, wie viele Punkte Sie für die Geschenkgutscheine von John Lewis & Waitrose erhalten haben
• Überprüfen Sie Ihr Kreditkartenguthaben, Ihr Kreditlimit und das verfügbare Guthaben
• Führen Sie eine Zahlung auf Ihr Konto der Partnerschaftskarte aus
• Zeigen Sie Ihre Kreditkartentransaktionen und Kontoauszüge an, einschließlich Ihrer Ausgaben bei John Lewis & Waitrose
• Verwenden Sie unser Secure Messaging-System, um den Kundenservice der Partnership Card zu kontaktieren
• Registrieren Sie Ihre Reisepläne für Übersee
• Erhalten Sie einen Zahlungsalarm, um die Verwaltung Ihrer Partnerschaftskarte noch einfacher zu gestalten
Die Partnerschafts-Karten-App kann mit mobilen Geräten mit Android ™ 4.4 und höher verwendet werden und ist möglicherweise nicht mit Tablet-Geräten kompatibel.
Um die Partnership Card-App verwenden zu können, müssen Sie der primäre Karteninhaber Ihres John Lewis & Waitrose Partnership Card-Kontos sein und eine UK-Mobiltelefonnummer für dieses Konto registriert haben.
The Partnership Card app from John Lewis Financial Services.
Free to download, this UK mobile app is for John Lewis & Waitrose Partnership Card customers to manage their credit card securely on the go. Currently you can:
• Keep track of how many points you’ve earned towards John Lewis & Waitrose gift vouchers
• Review your credit card balance, credit limit & available credit
• Make a payment to your Partnership Card account
• See your credit card transactions & statements, including your spend at John Lewis & Waitrose
• Use our secure messaging system to contact Partnership Card customer services
• Register your overseas travel plans
• Receive a payment due alert to make managing your Partnership Card even easier
The Partnership Card app is designed to work with mobile devices using Android™ 4.4 and above, and may not be compatible with tablet devices.
To use the Partnership Card app you'll need to be the primary cardholder on your John Lewis & Waitrose Partnership Card account and have a UK mobile number registered on that account.